Enable Caching

Another option that is visible at the top portion of the Cube Properties dialog box is the Enable Caching checkbox option. Similar to the Administrative Cube option, the Enable Caching feature is also specific to a cube. Upon initial cube creation, this feature is turned on by default. When the checkbox is unchecked, caching is turned off in this cube. This means that as PowerOLAP® calculates formula results and aggregations; PowerOLAP® will not store any of the results into a cache.

The question now is what are the implications of disabling this feature? To expound on the importance of caching in a cube, we can relate it to the effects on the calculation performance of a cube.

Typically, caching results can minimize the amount of calculation time and will provide faster results when performing data requests since the values are already cached. (It may take a few minutes to calculate the first time but once the result has been cached it may take only a few seconds to calculate for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th … and so on, until a value is changed forcing the cache to be cleared.)

When caching is turned off or is disabled, every time data is requested, it will take the same amount of time to calculate for the results.

Caching data can take time, and in some situations creating and storing the cached values can take a significant amount of time. In certain cases, it is actually faster to recalculate the results every time they are requested rather than caching them. (Setting the caching level in the Edit/Options determines how much to cache and can have an effect on the calculation time.)

In order to utilize this feature, the cube must either be a pure aggregation cube or it if it is a cube with formulas, the cube must contain dependencies.

If there are formulas in a cube with caching unchecked which references to a cube that has caching, the values in the referenced cube will continue to be cached.