Export Security

This feature is used to export Database Security which includes the Dimension and Cube security, as well as security for Users and Groups that have been defined in the current database into a .SEC file.

1.   In the PowerOLAP ribbon, go to Data tab then in the Export control group, select Security command.
The Export Security dialog appears

2.   Browse for the directory where you want to save your file and enter a name for the export file (E.g., Export Avon Trading security).

3.   From the Cubes and Dimension list box, select specific cubes and dimensions of which security you want to export.

If Mark Dimensions check box is enabled, the dimensions used by the selected cubes will be automatically selected as well.

4.   Enable Export Users & Groups check box to export all PowerOLAP users and user group accounts created for the current database.

5.   Provide a password consisting of at least 8 characters then re-enter password to confirm.

6.   Click OK to complete export process.

A message prompt indicating that the export security successfully completed will appear. This will generate an export file in .SEC format.