Create the User Domain Account in the Active Directory

The following concerns setting up a user domain account for a user named, as an example, "OLAPAdmin".



This can be used as an alternative to using SQL authentication. 


For a Primary Domain Controller (PDC) or standalone NT node on your network:

1.   Select from the Start menu, Administrative, Active Directory Users and Computers.

2.   Select User Directory (under appropriate domain), as shown in the following figure:


3.   In the New User dialog box, Enter Username OLAPAdmin;    
enter FullName (OLAPAdmin) and a Description (optional); then enter and reconfirm a Password.



This Password will be required several steps from now, when you are configuring PowerOLAP Server Service to log on as the User Account.

4.   Further, uncheck the box User Must Choose Password at Next Logon and   
check the box Password Never Expires.

[These options are recommended.]

The New User dialog box appears as in the following figure:



5.   Right-click on the New User and Select Add to Group.

The Group Memberships dialog box appears:



If you are not working across multiple domains, proceed as follows to add the user (e.g., OLAPAdmin) as a Member of the Administrators Group; if, however, your company has multiple domains, add the user to the Domain Admins, using the same following steps.



6.   Add OLAPAdmin as a Member of the ”Administrators” group.

7.   Click OK in the Group Memberships dialog box

8.   Close the Active Directory Users and Computers dialog box.

9.   Close the User Manager Dialog box as well.