Changing Dimensions – Using the Pick Drop-Down
This topic covers how to change display Members for Dimensions via the ‘Pick Filter’ drop-down.
To change the display Member along the Filter:
- Create a PowerExcel Slice in Google Sheets.
Notice the upper portion of the Slice corresponding to the display Members for the component Dimensions. Pick drop-down cells (yellow-highlighted in the image below) appear in column F.
The following concerns use of the Pick Filter for changing Members for the Dimensions along the Filter to show:
Version: Budget
Year: 2020
Entity: Entity A
Department: Sales
2. Change the display Member for Version dimension to Budget:
In cell F4 (where the Pick drop-down corresponding to Version dimension is located), note that the first few Members of the Dimension appear (Actual, Forecast, Budget); as well, there is a Select Members… option that will display remaining Members.

3. Although Budget appears and may be selected, for present purposes click on Select Members…. The Select Members for Version dialog appears.
Select Budget from the Members list pane (left pane), then click the Clear and Copy Selected Members
Budget now appears in the display pane on the right.

4. Click the Use Selected Members icon (green checkmark, circled in the image above).
Back in the Slice, note that cell E4 now displays the Budget
Notice also that the slice data automatically recalculates to show the Budget values.

5. You can follow the same method to update display Members for Year, Entity and Department In the following image, the 2020 has been selected from the pop-up Pick box.

Observe how the Slice values refresh each time the display Member is changed for each Dimension.