A flexible and robust database software, Olation® can lighten the load on an IT team. Our data management software drastically reduces the number and complexity of SQL queries that need to be written. It also empowers end-users with access to the data they need for reporting financial and operational data to their management teams.
Bridging the gap between the relational and analytical databases, Olation® is truly unique. It has a special ability to serve up efficiency and productivity for IT and end-user teams in the applications they already use. The C-level feels an impact right away when our clients start using Olation®. Suddenly, they have their fingers on the pulse of the business instead of making an intuitive guess.
See entire list of 100+ 3rd party systems Olation® can connect to.

Experience the Advantages of the Olation® Database Software
Leverages existing skills by tapping into Olation® data through existing applications, such as Excel, for faster ROI
Download Olation® Whitepaper
Leverage the power of a relational data store and multidimensional modeling in one platform.
Olation® goes “beyond Business Intelligence” to deliver Visionary Intelligence, fostering collaboration between end users and management, and providing dynamic connectivity between database systems, applications and end-user tools.
Olation, as a fusion of analytical – OLAP and relational databases [thus the term, Olation] represents a milestone in the evolution of database technology; as a consequence, and given the business value in its speed-to-solution/benefit, Olation will have a significant impact on the implementation of planning, analysis and reporting information systems.
Olation® Gives You:
- Easy mapping of existing relational structures into corresponding multidimensional structures
- Access to external data sources by reference using SQL query to the data or by staging and transforming the data in tables in the Olation® database.
- True, real-time Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) that is not based in Relational (ROLAP) and therefore does not have the performance limitations of such tools.
Pair OlationⓇ with LeonardoⓇ for beautiful web dashboards
It is web-based and provides attractive analysis and visualizations from Olation® models. Quick product setup, analytical OLAP features, visual analysis, and reports subscriptions are key features of Leonardo.
Dashboard software based on data from your SQL and OLAP databases are quickly designed to present the most valuable information for your business environment. Collaborate with your team on BI content.
- Gorgeous web dashboards and reports
- Design thinking
- Cloud