Hubspot Deals-to-Cashflow Demo

Automate Cash Flow Projections from Hubspot Deals

Love Hubspot, but hate reporting? 

Hubspot Deals to Cashflow blank.pngGetting sales cash flow projections over time is not something you can get out of Hubspot right off the bat. 

Most of the time, it means exporting the Deals to Excel and manipulating the data there. Not very efficient.

Don’t waste your sales rep’s time on repetitive data input. Eliminate error-prone calculations and outdated reports.

PARIS Deals to Cash Flow App automates this process so you can be more productive and have accurate and timely reports.

  • Dynamic data from Hubspot Deals to an automated Excel report
  • Driver-based distribution of Deal amount over time
  • Detailed Deals view per account manager, for cash flow reporting
  • Consolidated management report view – per account manager, channel, territory, etc.
  • View accross different timelines – monthly, quarterly, annual, spot comparisons, and more 

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