Budgeting and Forecasting
for Law Firms
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Become more PROFITABLE. Make informed & timely decisions.
General Ledger Planning
Working from a forward-looking
Profit & Loss template, users
build up the budget by entering
info into the application
for each business unit.
Revenue Planning
Gives firms the basis for which
to collect and to model the
predicted revenues based on
staffing & inventory levels. Make
specific revenue projections for
each billable time keeper.
Workforce Planning
Plan for all aspects of your
staffing needs & compensation
-Plan for expected attritions
and requested new hires
-Easily plan salaries, taxes & benefits associated with each employee
Give your Finance team the tools to be more productive while simplifying the input process for budget & forecast contributors.
- Reduce time spent budgeting
- Forecast on-demand & at regular intervals
- Maximize end-user productivity
- Dynamic driver-based modeling
- Eliminate clerical spreadsheet errors
- Advanced what-if scenario creation
- Effectively support critical business decisions
- Securely distribute & collect budgeting information from all levels of the firm
Some customers we’ve helped…
“PowerExcel’s multidimensional capabilities are instrumental in providing the management team at Top Canadian Law Firms with various views of a partner’s annual contributions to the firm. Rather than arriving at conclusions based on restricted
views of static data, management is now able to review an
an up-to-the-minute comprehensive picture of the partner’s and
firm’s collective performance. This is what business performance management is all about, and I can’t imagine doing this
task without PowerExcel.”
– Partner & Controller at Top Canadian Law Firm
“I‘d tell my peers at other law firms that if they are not aware of
PARIS’ Solution, they should have a good look at it, because
we‘ve found it very useful at London Law Firm. I would be very
surprised if they didn’t derive a significant benefit, as well as
return on investment that is similar to ours.”
-One of the worlds largest Law Firms
“PARIS has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to understand
our business objectives, present detailed plans, and implement a
rock-solid business intelligence solution that clearly delivers on
their product promises. PowerExcel exploits one centralized data
warehouse, one application framework, and one desktop interface, and this solution enabled us to streamline many of our
reporting and analysis activities. In looking back at the
product’s demanding trials here, I give PowerExcel the highest
marks for performance excellence and I can now appreciate the
power of one.”
– CFO at NYC Law Firm