Business Intelligence for Excel

Simple. Powerful. Elegant

Delivering all your Microsoft Analysis Services data directly and dynamically into Excel.

BIXL® Advantages

Reaching that data is now “simplicity itself” – with Business Intelligence for Excel you work with the product you have mastered. You use Excel as a universal front end with unprecedented analytical and planning capabilities:

Access standard reports that contain real time data

Slice and dice to create ad hoc reports

Budget strategically while online through “write back” functionality

Build forecasts on the fly

Leverage the products you already own – a true business advantage

· Use SQL Server Analysis Services cubes for your business models
· Work through Excel to reach OLE DB for OLAP data
· Employ all of Excel’s formatting and graphical functionality
· Build Excel applications that take data from underlying sources –with the ability to input data or write any Excel formula to show business results

BIXL® Capabilities:

Business Intelligence for Excel

BIXL® – has a dynamic Excel read-write interface to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services and other OLE DB for OLAP Cubes.

BIXL® supercedes other Analysis Services interfaces because it has been written as an Excel standard for OLE DB for OLAP. So you continue to work with the product you already use all the time, but now with vastly enhanced capabilities to reach and manipulate the rich data contained in the OLAP cubes of various providers, including Microsoft’s Analysis Services.