Accelerate your planning budgeting processes with a dynamically responsive model.

Centralize formulas and automate calculation of your budgeting models

Ensure consistency of reports by housing formulas and business rules in your budget model.

Eliminate the burden of calculating complex formulas and large data sets from your spreadsheets.

Quickly test multiple what-if scenarios

Model scenarios that put your organization on the best possible trajectory towards success.

Make necessary changes in quantities, rates, percentages, weights and other factors across the dimensions of your business, generating new reports with an immediate refresh.

Collaborate instantly in shared models

Leverage Excel as a dynamic user interface to collaborative budgeting models. Input changes to trigger calculations in “what if” models that are shared across the enterprise.

Work collaboratively and with certainty that you always have the latest version of information on hand. 

Make data discoveries that impact your bottom line and bring efficiency and productivity to the way you work.


Get in touch with us today.

Schedule an Exploratory Call

In this call, we invite you to share a bit about what brings you to us. And you’ll be able to ask any questions about our software and consulting.

We may offer a few insights and will share about what we can do for you.  If it’s a good fit for all, we can go from there!

Pivot Table vs. PowerExcel Pivot

Pivot Table vs. PowerExcel Pivot

With a product name like PowerExcel... We gladly raise users’ expectations of what they can do beyond the “everyday” capabilities of their familiar spreadsheet. One area of particular interest, and indeed where PowerExcel shows its strength very nicely, is how it...

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Top-Down Bottom-Up Budgeting with PowerExcel

Top-Down Bottom-Up Budgeting with PowerExcel

When I was a young accountant and learning about budget planning... I thought, "Wow, there are companies out there adopting bottom-up budgeting and others doing top-down…and I wonder what makes a team choose one of those." Fast forward 30 years, and I can tell you...

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