A cloud platform for Analytics, Big Data, Design Thinking, and Data Intelligence

Timely and Accurate Data

Leonardo® delivers analytics, handles Big Data, incorporates design thinking.  It is web-based and provides attractive analysis and visualizations from Olation® models. Quick product setup, analytical OLAP features, visual analysis, and reports subscriptions are key features of Leonardo.

Dashboards direct from SQL or OLAP

Dashboard software based on data from your SQL and OLAP databases are quickly designed to present the most valuable information for your business environment. Collaborate with your team on BI content. KPI, Scorecards, and Gauges to present visual metrics, while charts present data visualizations and trend indicators.


 Business Insights Platform

Accessible from anywhere

Give users access to information for mission-critical decisions to operational tasks. Leonardo® is web-based and can be accessed from any browser and any mobile device.

On-the-fly analysis and reports

Get timely and accurate visualizations of information from underlying data models built on Olation.

True collaboration

Leonardo® lets multiple users work together on live data, on the web or Excel, dynamically and in real-time.


Automated reports distribution

Get scheduled reports directly in your inbox. Leonardo® applies Olation security rules to ensure that only the right information is sent to your users.

Drive your business to the future you envision.

Imagine driving the future with a business plan and forecast that you and your team could collaborate on. PARIS offers custom SaaS solutions that lets you see your actual figures with your budget, and integrated with analytics capabilities.

Everything you need for Visionary Intelligence.

Through the Leonardo® Suite, PARIS brings together all the technology and services you need to innovate your business. Fast-track adoption of new capabilities, improve productivity and efficiency, and facilitate collaboration. Let PARIS guide you along a quick, low risk path to successful digital transformation. Get the job done with the Leonardo® Suite, your very own custom SaaS solution.

Get a custom PARIS solution, without the technical-know how. Using our new web-based visualization tool, Leonardo®, and powered by Olation® and PowerOLAP, you can now get beautiful, dynamic dashboards though the web as an SaaS solution.