PowerOLAP V20 Upgrade Offer Particulars
What is the V20 Upgrade Offer?
The PowerOLAP Version 20 Offer is designed to provide our clients with a means for outsourcing the Upgrade and QA phase of testing for your PowerOLAP Application. PARIS would perform the QA step for you and certify the results before performing the upgrade in your production environment.
Who needs this?
If you run a multi-tier environment and would perform internal testing and validation of v20 in QA before deploying to product, then this offer could be for you.
> Register and upgrade with confidence for only $5400 USD
The process:
1. Initial consultation call/meeting to discuss current environment and your upgrade timeline.
2. Customer to provide pre-requisites: a copy of your database and up to 20 reports.
3. QA of model and reports by PARIS. This includes setting up a virtual test environment and performing testing and comparison of current vs. upgraded environments, including reports.
4. PARIS to provide access to virtual test environment to evaluate PARIS outcomes .
5. Call/meeting to review upgrade test results and recommendations.
6. PARIS to provide a Non-Disclosure agreement and an upgrade plan for your company.
7. Sign agreement and make payment, whether this upgrade plan ($5400) or a time and material project.
8. Implement upgrade of PowerOLAP production environment (servers and client), with support.
9. Validation of work – server, database, clients, and reports.
The fine print:
• Testing is to be performed on a standard environment; Windows Server 2019, 32-bit Excel for Office 365
• Reports are defined as follows: 1 report equals data confined to a single Excel worksheet tab20 reports as 20 Excel worksheets
• Offer limited to a single PowerOLAP database and server
• You must be upgrading your existing production installation
• You must provide PARIS with your PowerOLAP database and reports for the upgrade
Time incurred related to exclusions will be billed as Time and Materials in addition to fixed price package
The following are excluded from the Standard Upgrade Offer:
• Development of or changes to the PowerOLAP Model\Excel Workbooks
• ETL processes (OLAP Exchange, Text File Import routines, External Data sources, etc.)
• Environmental Variables (VPN, Network Configurations, Firewall, Proxy Server, Citrix, Terminal Services)
• Making changes to standardized batch oriented processes
(Custom engagements are available if the scope of your Upgrade exceeds these limits.)
Is your PowerOLAP upgrade bumping into these limits?
No worry, we have a discount for you too. You can test more databases or servers with a customized discounted package. Just indicate on the comments section of the form that your upgrade is different from the standard.