5 New Things to get Excited about in Version 18

by | Jan 22, 2018

You asked and we listened!

Version 18 of PowerOLAP® and Olation® comes with enhancements and new features that we know both new and existing users will want to get their hands on.

Here’s our top 5 features to get excited about in Version 18.

5. PowerOLAP Portal

Version 18  takes the administrative pain out of organizing all your reports. PowerOLAP Portal is a report management and distribution tool that provides a quick way to access all your reports from both the client application and Excel. Users can easily define a location (a folder, FTP, or website) as a centralized repository for official reports.

4. 100+ new drivers

At PARIS, we believe that data is alive. Therefore, a report should never be cut-off from its source. This also facilitates every organization’s goal towards having a single version of the truth. Version 18 of Olation comes with new drivers that enable connectivity to 100+ 3rd party systems.

3. What-if analysis and sandbox

Have you ever played around with your numbers from an exported Excel file and wished that you could implement the changes that you made quickly? Or wished that you could have the data updated in real-time?

We know that what-if analysis is a common, collaborative process that mostly happens outside of the reporting system. Version 18 changes all this by providing a sandbox environment within PowerOLAP where multiple users can test assumptions and crunch numbers, and have the option to immediately publish it in the production environment with a click of a button.

2. Pivot to PowerOLAP/Olation

With the new Pivot to PowerOLAP/Olation function, anyone who knows how to make a pivot table in Excel can now create a cube in PowerOLAP and Olation.

This new function leverages users’ existing Excel knowledge and gives them the capability to rapidly create dimensions and members of a cube with minimum knowledge or experience in OLAP. Pivot to PowerOLAP/Olation simply transforms an Excel pivot table into a cube that is ready to use.

1. Leonardo® -ready

First of all, what is Leonardo®? It is our all new web-based data visualization and analytics tool designed to give users the flexibility to create dynamic and collaborative analysis and dashboards.

More that that, the real power of Leonardo® comes from its ability to work with PowerOLAP and Olation. By bringing all three technologies together, PARIS offers a holistic approach to business intelligence and data analytics.

Existing PowerOLAP and Olation users can quickly on-board with Leonardo® by upgrading to Version 18 and signing up for a Leonardo® subscription.

More importantly, PARIS is combining the power of Leonardo®, PowerOLAP, and Olation together by offering a SaaS business insights platform. We are proud to introduce the Leonardo® Suite, which allows users to on-board in just days by letting PARIS do the technical heavy lifting.

Learn more about Version 18 and the Leonardo Suite, or sign-up for a personalized demo.

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