PARIS in the Philadelphia Inquirer! How to use PARIS software to be more efficient

by | Oct 5, 2016 | General BI and Data Management


Clockwise from top left: Jack Guarneri of PARIS, Jessica Otero of PARIS, Marc Greenburg of HHSD, Robert Reichert of HHSD

PARIS is thrilled to be featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer today

In the article, How Hatboro-Horsham schools used PARIS software to be more efficientthe leaders at the school district discuss how PARIS software helped them uncover crucial information that was hidden in their data. From Robert Reichert, the Hatboro Horsham’s Director of Business Affairs, “It definitely has helped us make better decisions. It’s saved a ton of time in terms of gathering data and information to make those decisions too.”

Now, the school system has their Excel files linked up to their data sources, keeping everything unified and up-to-date, thanks to PowerOLAP. At Hatboro-Horsham, they’ve even built an early warning system for students. “We are able to be proactive in providing services to students in need of help,” said Marc Greenberg, Director of Software Applications and Data Management.

Further reading: Check out Hatboro-Horsham’s success story


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