How to Transform Data into Intelligence that Promotes Growth

by | May 31, 2013

Most businesses have the ability to capture data from customer transactions and day-to-day operations, and through research. However, the significant problem after accumulating data is how to turn the data into intelligence that can improve the bottom line. A major issue that businesses battle with when analyzing data is TIME. With so many other crucial activities it becomes difficult to allocate time to analyzing complicated data. This situation is even worse when a business has to battle with limited resources, including staff constraints.  Then, too, there are cases when different departments must consolidate data into one critical report—an extremely cumbersome process.

The solution to streamlining the data-analyzing processes involves business intelligence software, which makes it possible to analyze and share information very quickly and collaboratively. According to The KLAS report, Business Intelligence Perception 2012: A Wave is Coming, many industries are starting to realize the importance of investing in business intelligence software in order to stay competitive.

What prevents firms from going forward with business intelligence initiative? One major concern for business users is not having the technical know-how to implement/deploy this kind of software.  This is by far what makes PowerOLAP the most efficient solution of its kind. With PowerOLAP users maintain the same front end software—Excel and their Internet browser—and take advantage of a dynamic, multidimensional (and even bi-directional, “what if”) access to data.

Empowered with this access, PowerOLAP returns spreadsheet users to their roles as efficient, productive analysts, replacing wasteful keystrokes and number-crunching with the automatic population of data and the instantaneous calculation, consolidation and distribution of data as it is entered. And so users are able to transform data—rather than simply manage data—into the kind of business intelligence that promotes business growth.

Currently using PowerOLAP and making an impact on your bottom line? Share your experience below.

Blog contributed by-

-Hellen Oti-Yeboah

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