
We are replacing the PowerOLAP Trial

by | Mar 15, 2016 | Learning Center, Ms Excel, OLAP, PowerOLAP, Software


We have replaced the PowerOLAP Trial (Version 14) with a new offering.

No more 60-day limits!


PowerOLAP Personal is a light version of PowerOLAP Version 16.  It includes all the PowerOLAP benefits for amp-ed up personal productivity.  You can connect to a data source, define dimensions and members, and connect dynamically with Microsoft Excel.  It is yours to use for a full year.  We are convinced, your boss will notice you’ve upped your productivity! They”ll be wondering how you got done so much more than anybody else—ever!

Download PowerOLAP Personal

In addition to the free software offering, we are pairing it with free basic training.  We want to make sure you can get started with confidence, and we want you to be successful.

Register for our weekly PowerOLAP “Getting Started” sessions.




Curious about PowerExcel Personal?

PowerExcel Personal is a great way to get hands-on with a PARIS product.  You’ll get the most benefit from using it if you connect with us while you try it, so make sure to schedule your free call without support team and get properly installed today!