All Aboard the “Business Analytics Express”

by | Dec 1, 2015 | Business Intelligence (BI), Data Analysis, General BI and Data Management, PowerAnalytics

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If analytical software can eradicate waste and inefficiencies in your business, is there even a question as to whether you should be using it? In his post, Sustainability Lessons in Advanced Analytics, Michael Morrison argues that the technology to analyze big data has become increasingly popular because of its ability to “accurately predict trends and fluctuations that, should they go unnoticed, disrupt operational performances.” Cleverly—on the topic of waste and such—he uses the clean technology industry as an example where the software is helping firms to “deeply understand the types of process improvements needed to be more efficient and powerful.”

Morrison cautions that “when front-end matters such as data preparation are not taken care of with skill…highest possible returns on investment & greatest gains to operational performances will be inherently lower.” It surely is important to find the right provider to help you stay on track to realize your greatest profits from using advanced analytics. PARIS Technologies just might be what your business is looking for, with a variety of software products, including PowerAnalytics.

The movement to utilize advanced analytics is proceeding rapidly—you might consider getting on board with it soon, rather than be left with mounting inefficiencies and financial losses.

Check out the original post here.


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