Collecting and Analyzing Data in Sports is Here to Stay

by | Jul 5, 2016 | Big Data, Data Analysis, Data Management, General BI and Data Management, OLAP, PowerOLAP, Reporting

RunningManv Millions of dollars and the hopes and dreams of sports fans worldwide depend on Big Data now more than ever. Collecting data, crunching numbers and generating detailed reports is now a very big part of every sports franchise.  No longer does all the action take place on the field, track, pitch or court.  Sports franchises now rely on the analysis of big data for every aspect of their business,  from athletic performance and nutrition to fan interaction and  arena configuration. The recent Forbes article by Bernard Marr, Big Data: The Winning Formula in Sports, details how multi-million dollar sports franchises and leagues have now adopted big data. This collected Big Data only becomes useful when the collection and analysis happens efficiently and is turned into useful information. This is where PowerOLAP excels. It’s ability to capture, analyze and report any type of data gives it a competitive advantage of it’s opponents.  It’s flexibility to adapt to any industry, like sports data, combined with the ability to consolidate from all types of underlying database including: SQL, Oracle, SAP, SharePoint and others, lets you capture your Big Data from any environment and then, manipulate, analyze and report this data —performing advanced analytics that will help any company run better. world_cupBook4See how PowerOLAP was used to analyze and predict how past World Cup winners would fare against modern teams and players by downloading this interesting eBook, Analyzing World Cup Data using PowerOLAP. by David Newton. It will provide a clear example of PowerOLAP data modeling capabilities. Many different companies have built businesses around Big Data and focusing on one specific vertical market, but PARIS Technologies with PowerOLAP has proven time and again it’s capability to be used any any market to transform data analytics and performance. Visit or contact us for more information on PowerOLAP or any of PARIS Tech’s innovative products.   Originally contributed by Tom Kosko on May 26th, 2015.

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