by dfernandes | Dec 2, 2024 | Business Intelligence (BI), Ms Excel, PowerOLAP, Reporting
As a Business Intelligence (BI) provider we believe that data can be turned into BI solutions, that promote growth. Gartner predicts that by 2026, over 25% of Fortune 500 Chief Data and Analytics Officers (CDAOs) will be in charge of at least one...
by garethjones | Oct 12, 2023 | Budgeting, Finance and Banking, Ms Excel, OLAP, Planning, PowerExcel
With a product name like PowerExcel… We gladly raise users’ expectations of what they can do beyond the “everyday” capabilities of their familiar spreadsheet. One area of particular interest, and indeed where PowerExcel shows its strength very nicely, is how it...
by garethjones | Sep 25, 2023 | Budgeting, Finance and Banking, Ms Excel, OLAP, Planning, PowerExcel
When I was a young accountant and learning about budget planning… I thought, “Wow, there are companies out there adopting bottom-up budgeting and others doing top-down…and I wonder what makes a team choose one of those.” Fast forward 30 years, and I...
by sazmoodley | May 11, 2020 | Ms Excel, PowerExcel
Read Part 1: Our CEO made us build financial reports in Excel to understand our customer’s pain. Here’s what I learned. After going through our CEO’s Excel bootcamp, I learned a lot of Excel tricks that helped me resolve most of the issues I encountered in building...
by sazmoodley | May 11, 2020 | Ms Excel, PowerExcel
To provide a bit of backgrounder, I’m a Marketing Manager for a software company that develops data modeling platforms for reporting, planning, and analytics. My job requires very different skills from those of our technical consultants and our typical customer—the...