Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Blog

Information and Discussions on Business Intelligence, Data Analysis, and Management featuring: Strategies, Best Practices, PARIS Product Tips and News

Retail OTB (Open to Buy) Planning with PowerExcel

Retail OTB (Open to Buy) Planning with PowerExcel

OTB is a forward-looking metric based on future projections. In retail, it involves assessing current stock and estimating the exact amount of stock needed to achieve a predetermined target. It’s a blend of sales forecasting and stock planning, requiring accurate data and meticulous calculations.

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Analyzing the 2023 Rugby World Cup with Cube Technology

Analyzing the 2023 Rugby World Cup with Cube Technology

If you like sports analysis and rugby, this one is for you!  The blog recently published an article discussing the use of OLAP cube technology in analyzing and predicting outcomes for the 2023 Rugby World Cup.   Cube technology or “OLAP” is a...

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Towards a New Understanding of ‘Enterprise Reporting’

Towards a New Understanding of ‘Enterprise Reporting’

Like any valuable report, we should be able to draw a conclusion: any truly well-performing Enterprise Reporting System must score high marks vis-à-vis each of the 5 ideal attributes above. No shortcomings allowed among them, as any weakness undermines the full success of—if we can forgive the expression—the “enterprise of Enterprise Reporting.”

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Your Data, The Cloud—and Excel

Your Data, The Cloud—and Excel

For many companies “the server room” is a thing of the long-ago past. Just like the onsite applications meant to run in the server room, all that server-installing and server maintenance has gone virtualized, up to the Cloud. Along with the applications and servers, so, too, have gone databases; the connectivity between systems, and; an enormous amount of stored data. Even daily work in Office applications has gone to the Cloud.

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FP&A Career Questions

FP&A Career Questions

FP&As are highly valued team members since they understand the technical aspects of finance and the big-picture implications their work has on achieving organizational goals. As this is an interesting, dynamic, and future-oriented role, professional interest is growing. Read below to learn about an FP&A career through the most asked questions on Google.

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The Cancelled History of TM1

The Cancelled History of TM1

The history of TM/1 started in early 1980. It was a product developed by a company called Sinper, which was the combination of the names of its founders, Jose and Lauren Sinai “Sin” and “per” for Manny Perez. Sinper struggled to survive until October of 1987.

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FP&A’s Purpose and Role in Organizations

FP&A’s Purpose and Role in Organizations

FP&A is a crucial function in any organization because it helps to identify and manage financial risks. FP&A professionals work with key stakeholders, such as investors, customers, and employees, to develop budgets, forecasts, and performance measures that inform strategic decisions about the organization.

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