Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Blog
Information and Discussions on Business Intelligence, Data Analysis, and Management featuring: Strategies, Best Practices, PARIS Product Tips and News
5 Business Intelligence Project Mistakes to Avoid Part 3: Reports that Take Hours to Run
Business Intelligence software solution providers usually promise a better reporting system for organizations. However waiting for long hours for a report to run can make business intelligence projects ineffective.
5 Business Intelligence Project Mistakes to Avoid Part 2: Long Business Intelligence Migrations
Business Intelligence projects are supposed to offer a quick solution that help organizations to make better informed decisions, attain data security, and discover ways to increase profitability. However, when BI implementations become never-ending, (near-completion projects), they give employees more work than usual.
5 Business Intelligence Project Mistakes to Avoid: Part 1 – Abandoning Spreadsheets
Forcing users to stop using Excel or other spreadsheet applications is one of the top reasons why Business Intelligence projects fail. End users who are love to use spreadsheets are faced with the problem of having to adjust to using a new Business Intelligence software solution that does not work well with Excel.
Mobile Business Intelligence: Must Have or Nice to Have?
Mobility in business intelligence (BI) has gone from being a nice-to-have option to become an ultimate necessity for many businesses. Organizations that choose Business Intelligence solutions with mobile features could gain a competitive advantage over others with the ability to make informed decisions.
3 Simply Brilliant Questions to Ask a Business Intelligence Vendor
List of 3 important but simple non technical questions to ask a Business Intelligence vendor when choosing a Business Intelligence software solution.
Say No! To a Lifetime of Business Intelligence (BI) Migration
The technical process of moving from Spreadsheets to Business Intelligence (BI) Software Solutions seem complicated and never ending to many users. How can Businesses make Business Intelligence Migrations, easy, quick and painless?
The Naked Data Disaster
What is naked data? Naked data is information that is unprocessed, raw and messy. If we want to obtain real visualized data, it should be organized and formed— it should be meaningful it should be visualized. Data Visualization is “information that has been abstracted in some schematic form, including attributes or variables for the units of information.”
What is “In-memory” Data?
What is in-memory data? In-memory database systems (IMDB) also referred to as main-memory database system (MMDB) are a growing subset of a database management system (DBMS) software, which primarily relies on main memory for computer data storage rather than a disk storage mechanism.
Comparison between two Business Intelligence (BI) technologies: OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing).
Debunking 4 Common Business Intelligence Myths
There are many myths surrounding Business Intelligence tools and/or implementations that sometimes make companies shy away from Business Intelligence software solutions. What is the truth real truth in these Business Intelligence myths?